Career Opportunities & Advancing Skills Together is a workforce development program for 16-24 year olds living in Sagadahoc County, Brunswick or Harpswell.
Work Readiness Training
Gain confidence in practical skills including workplace etiquette, interviewing skills, workers’ rights, completing forms, resume writing, conflict resolution and financial literacy.
Discover and enhance “soft skills” such as teamwork, flexibility, perseverance, willingness to learn, and using critique and failures to learn and grow!
Job Shadowing
Participate in job shadowing, paid internships and meaningful job placements.
Did you leave high school without your diploma?
No worries! We can help with that, too. In partnership with Merrymeeting Adult Education, MYC supports youth looking to prepare for the HiSET exam.
HiSET is an alternative for the US high school diploma and is offered for adults who were not able to acquire a high school diploma for any reason.

Free YMCA Membership
In a generous gesture to support the health and well-being of local youth, the Bath Area Family YMCA is partnering with Midcoast Youth Center to provide 25 youth memberships to local students. These memberships will be provided to students who are active participants in programs at MYC and do not have the necessary means to gain access to a YMCA membership.

Nicole Brassard, Workforce Development Coordinator
My Name is Nicole Brassard, I am the new Workforce Development Coordinator for MYC!
I have lived in Bath my entire life, graduated from Morse High School in 2003. I currently live in Woolwich with my two children, our dog and our three cats. My son is in 4th grade and my daughter is in 3rd grade at Fisher Mitchell School. On the weekends if you don't find the kids and I at the soccer field then we are at a cheer practice or competition! We enjoy staying busy and being on the move.
Over the last four years I have been president of the Bath Elementary PTA. During my time with the PTA have found a passion of working with youth. I am excited to step into the role of Workforce Development Coordinator to help young adults get into the workforce.