Set for Success Sponsorship

Sunday, August 25, 2024

10 am - 1 pm

Location: Morse High School, 826 Shipbuilder Drive, Bath

Admission is 100% free of charge and open to ALL RSU1 students Pre-K -12!


This celebration of learning will provide every RSU 1 student, Pre-K through grade 12, with a new backpack and all teacher-required school supplies for a successful school year.

This event welcomes every student in RSU1, regardless of need. Last year, over 625 students attended with their parents and caregivers. We repeatedly heard that Set for Success is about “much more than free school supplies!” This event is designed to increase the connection between students & families, schools, and community support systems so that every child can thrive.

Here’s how it works:

When a student arrives, they are greeted by their school principal and district superintendent, who provide a school supply list specific to the child’s classroom. Next, they stop at the Midcoast Youth Center table and receive a Family Resource Guide containing local school information, enrichment opportunities for all ages, mental health information, community resources, and local business sponsorships (600 are printed and distributed, and we keep a digital version on our website). 

Students then select their favorite backpack from hundreds available and head off to their school’s supply table, staffed by their teachers and local volunteers. Once they pick out supplies, they can stop by Bath Tech’s Cosmetology classroom, where licensed cosmetologists provide free haircuts. Finally, they can visit over 30 “booths” from organizations like Midcoast Maine Community Action, Patten Free Library, and more along Information Highway. 


This event IS about so much more than just providing free school supplies. At the heart of Set for Success, connections are being made, supportive relationships are being built, our community is getting stronger, and our youth can see and feel that they matter. When families face hard times, they will know exactly who to call because we have laid the foundation together.

Here’s how you can help:

Become an event sponsor and help build strong connections between the community and our youth. Together, we can demonstrate to each student just how much they matter!

With over 2000 students, this event is quite an undertaking. It will take all of us, coming together and helping where we can – in true Midcoast Maine spirit!

2024 Sponsorship Levels

$10,000 Hope Sponsor

  • Prominent Placement of Logo on Banner inside MYC lobby for 1 year
  • Prominent Placement of Logo on cover of Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Full-page ad in Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Logo and Listing as a Hope Sponsor on Set for Success webpage with link to website
  • Special mention on social media and website at time of sponsorship
  • Personalized Thank You to display in your office/lobby/storefront

$5,000 Passion Sponsor

  • Prominent Placement of Logo on cover of Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Full-page ad in Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Logo and Listing as a Passion Sponsor on Set for Success webpage with link to website
  • Special mention on social media and website at time of sponsorship
  • Personalized Thank You to display in your office/lobby/storefront

$1,000 Commitment Sponsor

  • A ½ page ad in Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Listing as a Commitment Sponsor on Set for Success webpage
  • Special mention on social media and website at time of sponsorship
  • Personalized Thank You to display in your office/lobby/storefront

$250 Courage Sponsor

  • Listing as a Courage Sponsor in Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Listing as a Courage Sponsor on Set for Success webpage

$2,500 Integrity Sponsor

  • Full-page ad in Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Logo and Listing as an Integrity Sponsor on Set for Success webpage with link to website
  • Special mention on social media and website at time of sponsorship
  • Personalized Thank You to display in your office/lobby/storefront


$500 Perseverance Sponsor

  • A ¼ page ad in Set for Success Family Resource Booklet
  • Listing as a Perseverance Sponsor on Set for Success webpage
  • Special mention on social media and website at time of sponsorship



$100 Kindness Sponsor

  • Listing as a Kindness Sponsor on Set for Success webpage



Thank you for your generous support of Midcoast students!