Midcoast Community Alliance becomes Midcoast Youth Center!

So much has happened over the last year, the fourth since our founding in 2016.

As families face back-to-school challenges in the midst of the pandemic, we are now providing remote learning assistance, a crucial support to student academics and emotional well-being.

Our Merrymeeting Homeless Youth Project, with Outreach Coordinator Donna Verhoeven at the helm, continues supporting at-risk and homeless youth who need assistance with housing, basic needs, and mental health support, now more than ever.

In the last year, we’ve received generous funding from sources like John T. Gorman Foundation and received the honor of being named Difference Maker of the Year by the New England Patriots Foundation!

Most recently, a significant grant from the Maine Department of Education has allowed us to become a 21st Century Community Learning Center, offering free after school programming for Bath Middle School students.

Thanks to a giving community, our Meal Train continues to serve up hearty dinners to hungry kids.
Our vision still focuses on improving the lives of youth and preventing youth suicide. Our coalition has been a powerful force for good, and will remain the driver of all that we do. And, the Bath Skatepark continues to be just the right fit for active youth, and a rapidly growing organization.

Yet, as we continue to expand and develop programs and services to meet the increasing needs of youth, we realize we have outgrown our name. It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to MYC: Midcoast Youth Center!

We have become a thriving youth hub in midcoast Maine; one that hears the voice of our youth, that adapts and adjusts based on their needs, that loves and supports them, unconditionally, through the turbulence of adolescence and early adulthood.

This year brought with it great highs and very deep lows. Yet, with a tenacious spirit, and backing from our supporters, we were able to surge ahead and meet youth needs at a level never seen before. Thank you!

Jamie Dorr
Executive Director/Founder